13 Freelance Developer Portfolios to Inspire You

Using too many of these effects makes it overwhelming and fatiguing to scroll through. The quantity of these animations also can decrease the load times of these pages. We only have so much time to keep someone’s attention and anything that takes us away from the immediacy of a page may lose a user. His portfolio, with its playful color scheme and rigorous grid, offers up a solid representation of his talents. When we land on his page we’re greeted with a grid of multi-colored boxes.


When scrolling down, the studio provides a listing of their previous works using black and white images that change into colored ones upon hovering, enhancing the UX of the page. The website also features a beautiful animated menu using hovering effects, making a bright contrast between the dark navy background of the page and the white menu layout. Moreover, when you are directed to the next page, the website provides an animated page with the brand’s logo as a loading page. ToyFight has strategically placed a captivating image with stunning hovering animations on its landing page along with a bold “What.” statement to display their creativity and sense of humor. The website is easy to navigate with a minimalist feel to it while still alluring your attention.

How to Easily Create a Stunning Web Design Portfolio (+Examples)

Especially its grainy, moving background is very reminiscent of film and movies and has a very ethereal feeling about it. Brittany Chiang’s portfolio website is divided into a two-column layout, one scrollable, one static. She uses great color and font combinations, and the site has small effects https://www.trading-market.org/ for interactivity and user experience. When you have your freelance web developer portfolio set up, it’s just the beginning, trust me. If you’re still going through your first web dev courses, don’t worry. You can simply upload your own side projects or even the projects you build in the course.

If you’re looking to use animation, check out:

It’s a bit misleading, but the colors on the album go so well with the rest of design it’s easy to forgive. It’s a small distraction, but this portfolio still wows with its visual cohesion and smooth user experience. Speaking of that last point above, your portfolio shouldn’t be a sterilized repository for your prior work. It should showcase your personality and help potential clients get to know you as a person. By definition, there’s no formula for how to personalize your portfolio, but there are a few concrete do’s and don’ts you can follow to help you get there. Whether you’re an online freelancer or seeking a full-time long-term job, staying engaged with your people is essential.

Good website code

  1. On the homepage, visitors are greeted with a concise overview of Cătălin’s experience, followed by a list of projects.
  2. David masters the art of combining his big and bold fonts with the strikethrough chic effect, making his one-page portfolio portray confidence and originality.
  3. Some people find it useful to give a career summary—your experience, the time you’ve spent in each position/industry, and the technologies you have worked with.
  4. Now that you know what to include in your portfolio, here are 25 examples of web developer portfolios to inspire you.

Design niches are not only about industries and verticals, they’re also about web design trends and website styles. Once they see what you can come up with, they can get a better sense of whether or not your design expertise, style, etc. are a good fit for what they’re looking for. When looking to hire an independent web designer or a design agency, clients are primarily interested in seeing the concrete work that the designer or designers are capable of producing. Driftime is a group of digital designers who work with culture and lifestyle brands to impact social, environmental, and economic issues. Their UVP is strongly rooted in their values of empathy, inclusion, and advocacy. Check out the video below to get Ran Segall’s take on five inspiring and unique portfolio websites.

Which website builder is best for web design portfolios?

As a web developer, it’s also a prime opportunity to showcase your skills. Lauren Waller is a web developer who wants to do more than create an engaging landing page. Her online portfolio is clean, and concise, with information about her role as a front-end developer and responsibilities with her personal projects.

Therefore, in this post, I’ll reveal 12 smart steps and techniques you can use right now to launch your freelance portfolio in the next couple of days. Hopefully by now you’ve been motivated to create your own web developer portfolio website or to give your existing one a makeover. We love Even though it’s still a work in progress, Ken’s portfolio absolutely sings. It has an excellent layout transitions, as well as a Dark Mode feature, one of the hot design trends right now. We love Nadia’s use of CodePen embeds to show off her projects, as well as her elegant animations on buttons.

Elementor serves web professionals, including developers, designers and marketers, and boasts a new website created every 10 seconds on its platform. SANJOO is the Elementor-built portfolio website of K Sanju Singha, a digital marketing freelancer based in India. His site is actually one page only, yet is still varied, interesting and completely dynamic. We enjoy his text-based design approach, as well as combined menu popup and contact form that are triggered by clicking on the menu icon.

Exploring a relatively simple design, Toy has also included an easy-to-navigate menu to help visitors have a great web experience on their site. Toy Flight’s web developer portfolio example is recommended for web developers who want a simple yet artistic portfolio. Studio 081 is a boutique web and graphic design based in Montenegro. This is another clear example of a brand/professional who uses Elementor to build a website that positions their brand as being fully at one and clear with their value proposition.

When requesting client testimonials to put up on your freelance portfolio website, request your clients to cover some of these aspects of your work. A freelance portfolio contains curated work samples, work completed for previous clients, client testimonials, a resume, and other professional details. Web development portfolios are becoming a staple of candidate screening for web developer positions.

For his web developer portfolio, he uses a minimalist interface by relying on text content and white space to emphasize important information. The Craftsmen’s has the most distinct layout of all web developer portfolios on the list. His portfolio uses a vibrant and lively color palette to make it stand out.

Being based in London, Tim draws his inspiration from the city around him for the colors, illustrations, and designs of his works. For example, the interesting animated cut-out titles for each card disappear upon hovering, bringing an unexpected twist to the website. Rezo Zero has included a timeline with specific pictures and dynamic scrolling to display the different works they have made in the past years. When clicking on a project, Rezo Zero provides a short description of the outcome and goals of the works and several images showcasing the success of the project. The layout and design of the website provides a digital magazine feel with the parallax scrolling and the asymmetric layout of the pictures. Full of images and handpicked fonts, the website makes understanding Rezo Zero’s creative process interesting and engaging.

Build projects, big or small, and when you feel ready, head out there to find your first small job. However, if you plan to build several WordPress websites for your clients in the future, consider investing in a premium WordPress theme. For some inspiration, check out these beautiful web developer portfolios.

It’s customizable layouts are designed with a simple drag-and-drop theme… no coding required! Squarespace also offers users the ability to track their audiences and boost their social media followings. One of easiest and most cost effective ways of promoting yourself is through search engine optimization. SEO can improve your website’s reach, make your website more searchable and generate organic web traffic through search engine result pages.

Whether you’re a student or a professional looking to advance your career, you need a web presence. For many, that could be a blog or a personal website, but creative professionals need to showcase their work. A simple resume doesn’t really cut it because a resume is only a compilation of your previous work experience, educational background and other activities. Your resume can tell employers about your professional and educational background but it does not really show them what you are capable of. Adding an ‘About’ page to your freelance portfolio website is one of the simplest ways of adding a human element to it.

By now, you should have a clear idea about what types of clients you want to attract. You should know what tools and programming languages you’ll use to build your projects. The thing with freelance web developer jobs is that your clients aren’t experts in you field. They often know nothing about the tools or technical solutions you use. I hear tons of beginner freelance web developers tell me how difficult it is to get that first job.

Dimitri Ossykovaris is a front-end developer based in Brussels, who has launched a fresh portfolio website to showcase his talents. When you first arrive, you’ll notice a creative touch—a fake loading screen that adds a bit of excitement before diving into the site’s content. Once inside, you’ll find an interactive portfolio page where you can freely explore five different projects scattered around. Adding testimonials, if you have them, is probably the best way to provide social proof about your work. It’s not so common to find portfolios like this one among web developers.

In addition, the homepage contains important information such as who he is, what he does, some of his impressive projects, and a list of notable clients, along with their testimonials. Moreover, this portfolio is both well-written and informative, with easy access to his competencies web developer portfolio examples and job experience. You can also turn on the sound effect also to make surfing through his portfolio more enjoyable. The sticky sidebar also makes it easy for users to navigate the site. Overall, it’s a great example of a clutter-free, one-page website for a web developer portfolio.

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